
The coach is the catalyst or spark for the team. Through prayer, God will reveal the people who the coach will invite to be part of the discipleship team.

Team coaches step up to assure the health and vitality of the team. Coaches help their team members improve in their relationship and obedience to Christ. They do this by encouraging members to walk in Jesus’ steps by meeting each week while learning and practicing discipleship disciplines or principles like prayer, Bible study, sharing one’s faith, and making disciples.

In Jesus Steps provides the format and free Bible lessons to make it easier to coach a team. No need to spend hours preparing lessons as IJS has already created weekly lessons for you and your team. Coaches, as well as team members, will read and engage in lessons each week.

Team coaches come alongside members encouraging them to facilitate the meetings on a rotational basis. The coach is responsible for keeping members advised as to the meeting location and the correct lesson to be studied and discussed.

Coaches report to In Jesus Steps on the team’s progress, share success stories of the disciples, and disclose any issues or problems within the team.

Let’s talk about next steps…